Active Lifestyle Support

Instaflex® Advanced

Instaflex Advanced is the latest in cutting-edge joint health research. Doctor-formulated with key ingredients that provide significant relief in just 7 days.

$69.99 / Bottle

Try All of Our Instaflex® Products!

Package of Instaflex<sup>®</sup> Multivitamin

Instaflex® Multivitamin

Broad-spectrum nutritional support for better mobility and optimal bone health! Instaflex Multivitamin delivers a powerful dose of 36 vitamins and minerals per serving, from a brand you can trust.

$49.99 / Bottle

Package of Instaflex<sup>®</sup> PM

Instaflex® PM

Powerful joint relief that works while you sleep! Instaflex® PM is a dual-action nighttime formula that relieves joint discomfort, improves mobility, and helps you get the best night's sleep.

$39.99 / Bottle

Package of Instaflex<sup>®</sup> Pain Relief Cream

Instaflex® Pain Relief Cream

Doctor-developed Instaflex® Pain Relief Cream provides strong, fast-acting relief from the aches and pains associated with arthritis, backaches, sore muscles, bruises, and joint pain.

$24.99 / Tube

Package of Instaflex<sup>®</sup> Super Turmeric

Instaflex® Super Turmeric

Instaflex® Super Turmeric includes a mighty 1,000 mg dose of turmeric and also contains BioPerine® black pepper extract, which provides superior bioavailability for increased absorption - leading to maximum results.

$34.99 / Bottle